HBO has released a new trailer for upcoming crime anthology True Detective, whose first season will focus on the hunt for a serial killer in Louisiana. While most of the action will take place during the initial hunt for the killer in 1995, with the pack being led by Detectives Rust Cohle (Matthew McConaughey) and Martin Hart (Woody Harrelson), the series will also flash forward to 2012, as the investigation gets reopened. Cohle and Hart might not have gotten their man the first go around, even though their obsession with the case threatens to derail every other aspect of their lives, but with the latest break in the case, it seems like they could wind up bringing the killer to justice after all. In addition to Harrelson and McConaughey, True Detective stars Michelle Monaghan (Source Code), Tory Kittles (Sons of Anarchy), Lili Simmons (Banshee), Elizabeth Reaser (The Good Wife), and Brad Carter (Smashed). The show was written by Nik Pizzalatto (The Killing) and directed by Cary Fukun
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