mardi 5 novembre 2013

Castle Review: “Like Father, Like Daughter”

Justice prevailed and the good guy won on Monday’s episode of Castle perfectly titled, “Like Father, Like Daughter.”  Alexis’ passion and determination to save Frank from his execution was inspiring. Castle and Alexis working on the case together helped repair their strained relationship, and get justice for Kim’s murder. Molly Quinn was phenomenal and she showcased what an incredible talent she truly is. When it’s come to Caskett, we really haven’t had that many moments lately, but when we have gotten them, they’re perfection. Kate and Rick discussing wedding venues was adorable. Ever since they got engaged I’ve been waiting for this discussion between the two of them. Of course Castle would suggest getting married in space. The guy has property on the moon. Why wouldn’t he want to get married in space? Beckett: I am not getting married in space. Castle: Why not? We could be the first. Commercial space flight is only a couple years away and you said you wanted it

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