I sure hope you ve caught up on Scandal, Gladiators. Otherwise you ve probably already been spoiled. After last week s twist, Khandi Alexander (Treme, CSI: Miami) has been announced to be playing the recurring role of Maya Lewis, Olivia Pope s late mother. She will begin appearing in flashbacks starting this week s episode (November 7th), according to The Hollywood Reporter. On last week s episode of Scandal, Huck (Guillermo Diaz) and Jake (Scott Foley) uncovered the mystery or part of it, behind Operation Remington and President Fitzgerald Grant s (Tony Goldwyn) involvement. While in service, and under orders from Olivia s father, he shot down a civilian airliner carrying more than 300 passengers, Olivia s mother being one of them. Cue, the upcoming unraveling of this story thread with Alexander s casting, and hopefully some insight into her life and death, Olivia s family past, and more about the mysterious B613. Alexander currently stars in HBO s Treme, which begins its f
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