mardi 19 novembre 2013

The Tomorrow People 1.07 Sneak Peek: Has Stephen Become a Liability?

Although Stephen has done what he s thought was right for both himself and the Tomorrow People since he first learned about his powers, that s often ran in opposition to the established way of life that John had implemented since he rose to power. It s not that either man is inherently right or wrong about the way they view their species; they just continually clash, which has led to a certain amount of instability within the Tomorrow People ranks. Stephen may have the best of intentions, but in voicing his opinion as often as he does and continuing to act as an alternative to John, he s weakened his people and become something of a liability to them. Is there a way he can make up for the rocky road his time as a Tomorrow Person has gotten off to? On the next episode of The Tomorrow People, Stephen has began using his powers above ground and, worse, for non-vital situations, causing Jedikiah to have to reign him in with a bracelet that saps his nephew s powers. It s not a great time f

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