The Big Bang Theory fame Kaley Cuoco tied the knot with fiancé Ryan Sweeting in a New Year’s Eve wedding. Kaley officially announced the news by uploading a picture on her Instagram account. Known for her role in The Big Bang Theory as Penny, Cuoco got engaged to tennis player Ryan Sweeting in September after merely few months of dating. The couple got married at Santa Susana, Calif. s Hummingbird Nest Ranch, in the presence of 150 guests. The 28-year old Cuoco looked stunningly beautiful in her pink tulle Vera Wang wedding gown. In November last year, Kaley Cuoco appeared on Ellen and openly shared her relationship with 26-year old Sweeting. On the show she said, “Life is so good right now, I cannot even tell you”. She also shared that both of them bonded really well from the second day of their courtship and that she was so much convinced of their relationship, it was quite unbelievable. Well, our heartiest congratulations to ‘The Tweetings’, may we all find love like thi
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