mardi 31 décembre 2013

Midseason 2014 Premiere and Return Dates

The dawn of a new year can bring about mixed emotions happiness at making it through another 365 days, relief at being rid of those relatives who come to visit once a year, annoyance at having to buy a new calendar. But any negativity associated with calendars and the pressure of living up to those resolutions you set for yourself gets washed away by the fact that television is returning in a big way come January and as such, TVHackr has gathered the midseason 2014 premiere and return dates that you need to know. Both categories are mixed in together and the only shows with network identification are those making their series premiere; early season finales are not identified, though series with extended premieres or special airings are marked accordingly. The dates below are not exhaustive, in the sense that there are more to be announced, not every show premiering January-April is included, and the networks, fickle as they are, could possibly change any that are already listed.

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