Having just received the fourth Emmy Award for its comedy series, Modern Family, ABC is now thinking of Spin-off options for its star show. The producers of the series, including the co-show runner and creator, Steve Levitan had a meeting on Friday to discuss on what would be the ideal potential spin-off for Modern Family. The co- executive Producers of the show, Brad Walsh and Paul Corrigan were also present in the meeting, who are said to look after the off-shoot and script writing, along with Levitan. Although, everything is at an initial stage, Modern Family’s other show runner/creator Chris Lloyd will be focusing on the flagship series with 20th Century Fox Television, , which just started airing its 5th Season this week and opened up with a ‘historic’ gay proposal episode. The most talked about ideas in the spin-off meeting were to include Gil Thorpe, Rob Riggle’s arrogant real estate agent, who was a rivalry with Phil (Ty Burrell). The team described this meeting as no
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