ABC has released the first 20 minutes of the series premiere of Once Upon a Time in Wonderland weeks ahead of its scheduled television debut. Taking place in Victorian London, the series stars Sophie Lowe (Beautiful Kate) as Alice, a young girl who was forced into an insane asylum by her father after telling tales of an invisible cat, talking playing cards, and hookah-smoking caterpillars. However, as she lost something dear to her while on the other side of the rabbit hole, she agrees to undergo a treatment that would help alleviate her pain and erase the memories that continue to haunt her. In addition to Lowe, Once Upon a Time in Wonderland stars Michael Socha (This Is England) as the Knave of Hearts, who gets tasked with giving Alice a hopeful message meant to encourage her return to Wonderland; Peter Gadiot (Night Wolf) as Cyrus, a genie Alice meets while in Wonderland; Emma Rigby (Prisoners Wives) as the malicious Red Queen; and John Lithgow (Dexter) as the voice of the White
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