Lifetime has announced that it has cancelled Army Wives, the longest-running scripted series in network history, after seven seasons. The series finale, which aired this past June, won t be the end of the road for the show, however, as there s a two-hour retrospective planned for next year. There is no denying how special Army Wives has been to both Lifetime and the television landscape, Lifetime GM Rob Sharenow said in a statement. By taking on a very relevant and timely issue, it has brilliantly captured the challenges our military families endure and the bravery they and their loved ones display while serving our country. It has been an honor to be the home of Army Wives. We also want to thank Army Wives’ passionate legion of fans and everyone involved with the series: ABC Studios, Mark Gordon and Jeff Melvoin, Tanya Biank, every single cast member, as well as the crew and community of Charleston, South Carolina. Without their dedication, effort and loyalty, Army Wives’
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