HBO has released another trailer from upcoming gay-themed dramedy Looking, created by Michael Lannan (Lorimer) and executive produced by Sarah Condon (Bored to Death) and Weekend director Andrew Haigh, who helmed the show s first episode. Looking stars Jonathan Groff (Glee), Murray Bartlett (All My Children), and Frankie Alvarez (Smash) as three friends living in San Francisco and dealing with being gay in modern society, including issues of aging in a community that values youth and vitality, finding someone to settle down with at an appropriate time, and feeling lost as far as one s place and purpose in the world. The last prominent LGBT-centric series on American television were Showtime s Queer as Folk and The L Word; while they lasted a combined 11 seasons, neither was especially critically acclaimed and didn t inspire a fleet of imitators, so Looking has the chance to really help LGBT representation on television and soothe any fears development executives have of projects with
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