Sundance has released the first trailer for upcoming crime drama The Red Road, to be executive produced by Sarah Condon (Bored to Death), Aaron Guzikowski (Contraband), and Bridget Carpenter (Friday Night Lights), who is also set to act as showrunner. The Red Road stars Martin Henderson (Off the Map) as the sheriff of a small town whose family and hometown are both falling apart, with the latter ripped to shreds due to a clash between the town and the neighboring mountains, home of a Native American tribe. The sheriff is forced to ally himself with a dangerous member of the tribe (Jason Momoa) in order to cover up tragedy that resulted at the hands of his wife, but in doing so, he s put himself in a difficult position that will be even harder to get out of. During 2013, Sundance went on a major hot streak when it comes to scripted originals, gaining Emmy recognition for Top of the Lake and critical raves for the likes of The Returned and Rectify. Aside from The Red Road, next year wi
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