mardi 24 septembre 2013

Last Will And Testament

Why It s ImportantIt s important you control your estate with a Will otherwise the government, lawyers and the law determine what happens to your estate.This is not always, what you think or expect as your spouse may not get everything automatically with unmarried couples having more uncertainty unless there is a Will. Example, some people think that having a joint bank account means the other person will automatically get the money. This is not the case. When the bank is informed that one of you has died, they freeze the account.Not having a Will can cause increased stress, confusion, arguments, and extortionate legal fees for your loved ones. You can make the simple decision for them to avoid that emotional and financial nightmare today.Even when you do not have many assets to speak of, this will save your loved ones a lot of time, money and hassle. If you have property, bank accounts and/or any type of investments, then having a last will and testament is extremely advisable. This l

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