ABC Limited is coming up with their limited drama series called ‘Black Box’ and the six-time Oscar Nominee, Vanessa Redgrave will be playing the role of a psychiatrist to the lead character Elizabeth Black, which is to be played by ‘Sherlock Holmes’ fame Kelly Reilly. After prolonged discussions, the talented Vanessa Redgrave was finalized for this role in ABC Network’s exclusive series, which will indeed be a treat to watch! The protagonist of the show, Elizabeth Black will be portrayed by Kelly Reilly; Black is a renowned neuro-scientist, who has everything one could wish for but still has a challenging life. You see, she suffers from a mental disorder and this is one amongst the numerous secrets she’s been hiding from her family and fiancé. Redgrave plays the role of Black’s confidante, Dr. Hartramph, who is her psychiatrist and knows everything about Black. For the Academy Award winner, this role will be followed after she stars in Call the Midwife on PBS, her guest
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